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Xinmin Formation

Xinmin Fm


Age Interval: 
Middle Jurassic, (TJ9).

Inner Mongolia

Type Locality and Naming

It was named by the No. 2 Regional Survey Party under the Geological Bureau of Liaoning Province in 1972. The naming section is located in the Xinmin Coal Mine of Xinmin Township, Alukerxin Banner, Chifeng City, Inner Mongolia. It was first cited publicly by the Compiler

Jingeng Sha (coordinator) Group for the Regional Stratigraphic Chart of Liaoning Province in 1978.

Synonym: (新民组)

Lithology and Thickness

It represents a set of coal-bearing strata composed of continental sedimentary rocks and volcanic rocks. Lower member is composed largely of violet, grey-green and grey-white rhyolitic volcanoclastics, intercalated with siltstone, shale, marl and mineable coal beds, with a thickness of 502-893 m. Middle member is composed of grey-violet and yellow-green sandy conglomerates, conglomerates or tuffaceous coarse clastics, intercalated with black shales and limestone lenses, with a thickness of 444-893 m. Upper member is composed mainly of grey-green and grey-yellow tuffaceous sandy conglomerate and siltstone, intercalated with acid tuff or clastic tuff, intercalated occasionally with carbonaceous shale and poor-quality coal, with a thickness of over 515 m. It total thickness is 1461-2301 m.

Lithology Pattern: 
Volcanic ash

Relationships and Distribution

Lower contact

It overlies unconformably the lower Jurassic Tatayingzi Fm (= Hongqi Fm )

Upper contact

Its top part being overlain unconformably by the Manketou'ebo Fm volcanics

Regional extent

Partly coeval with Wanbao Fm.




burejensis, Czekanowskia rigida, Equisetites sp., Eboracia lobifolia, Elatocladus sp., Ginkgo sibirica, Phoenicopsis angustifolia, P. speciosa, Pityophyllum lindstroemei and Todites williamsonii; bivalve fossils as represented by Ferganoconcha tomiensis, F. cf. anodontoides and Sibireconcha sp.; Ostracoda fossils as represented by Darwinula sp.; and “conchostracan” fossils as represented by Triglypta yingziensis, as well as Teleostei fossils.


Schematic strat column suggests Middle Jurassic. For graphic purposes, put here as Bathonian-Callovian with coeval Wanbao Fm drawn below.

Age Span: 

    Beginning stage: 

    Fraction up in beginning stage: 

    Beginning date (Ma): 

    Ending stage: 

    Fraction up in the ending stage: 

    Ending date (Ma):  

Depositional setting

Depositional pattern:  

Additional Information


Jingeng Sha (coordinator) Group for the Regional Stratigraphic Chart of Liaoning Province in 1978.

Synonym: (新民组)

Lithology and Thickness:

It represents a set of coal-bearing strata composed of continental sedimentary rocks and volcanic rocks. Lower member is composed largely of violet, grey-green and grey-white rhyolitic volcanoclastics, intercalated with siltstone, shale, marl and mineable coal beds, with a thickness of 502-893 m. Middle member is composed of grey-violet and yellow-green sandy conglomerates, conglomerates or tuffaceous coarse clastics, intercalated with black shales and limestone lenses, with a thickness of 444-893 m. Upper member is composed mainly of grey-green and grey-yellow tuffaceous sandy conglomerate and siltstone, intercalated with acid tuff or clastic tuff, intercalated occasionally with carbonaceous shale and poor-quality coal, with a thickness of over 515 m. It total thickness is 1461-2301 m.

Lithology-pattern: Volcanic ash

Relationships and Distribution:

Lower contact:

It overlies unconformably the lower Jurassic Tatayingzi Fm (= Hongqi Fm )

Upper contact:

Its top part being overlain unconformably by the Manketou'ebo Fm volcanics

Regional extent:

Partly coeval with Wanbao Fm.



burejensis, Czekanowskia rigida, Equisetites sp., Eboracia lobifolia, Elatocladus sp., Ginkgo sibirica, Phoenicopsis angustifolia, P. speciosa, Pityophyllum lindstroemei and Todites williamsonii; bivalve fossils as represented by Ferganoconcha tomiensis, F. cf. anodontoides and Sibireconcha sp.; Ostracoda fossils as represented by Darwinula sp.; and “conchostracan” fossils as represented by Triglypta yingziensis, as well as Teleostei fossils.


Schematic strat column suggests Middle Jurassic. For graphic purposes, put here as Bathonian-Callovian with coeval Wanbao Fm drawn below.

Age span:

Beginning stage: Bathonian

Fraction up in beginning stage: 0.0

Beginning date (Ma):

Ending stage: Callovian

Fraction up in ending stage: 1.0

Ending date (Ma):

Depositional setting:


Additional Information


Jingeng Sha (coordinator)